Welcome to ISPA
I am Dr. S. Gunasekaran, Founder President of ISPA.
ISPA is a well-developed research association to invoke the minds of young and dynamic researchers towards innovation.
Reach me @: deanresearchspu@gmail.com

25 years of
List of MoU's with Different Institutions

To inculcate awareness on fundamentals, Motivations, developing Innovative and Creative thoughts in Science and Technologies through Spectrophysics.
To serve students and the public with the principles ‘service ‘is the motto and Spectrophysics for all.
To familiarize the students with scientific research and the Concepts of Spectrophysics.
To publish popular book/journals in Spectrophysics (English/Tamil).
To promote Spectrophysics and its scientific notions through mass media.
To raise funds by Members, Subscription, Donation, Grants-in-aid, Endowments, Benefits of Performance or other means for the acquisition of movable or immovable properties for use of the society.
To institute awards for scientific inventions/discoveries.
To make rules and bye-laws for the proper conduct of the affairs of the society.
To constitute such a committee or committee as the society may deem fit.
To constitute such committee Chapters in entire National and Internationals.
To administer the society for the purposes mentioned.
To delegate all or any its powers to the executive committee or to any of its powers to the executive committee or to any of the committee constituted by it.
Indian Spectrophysics Association (ISPA) strongly believes in filliping the Gen-Next and aims to create a panoramic young generation, to concern more about science and society through more than conducting conferences and seminars, ISPA has few effective plans to be adopted in the welfare of binding science and society.
ISPA has a plan to render its knowledge service to the selected rural schools, to reinforce the practical knowledge in Higher Secondary Physics.
To impart the quality of learning among the school students, ISPA planned to organize thought provoking talks on “Self-Motivation of Gen-Next”.
To make Physics students to expertise in electronics, ISPA scheduled to organize “Hands-on Training on Electronics - Microprocessor-based experiments”.
ISPA also involved in carving young minds by organizing talks on “Genre Development for Inspiring Innovations” to the college students.
ISPA plans to conduct debates, quiz and essay writing competitions among school students to emphasize the value of science education.
ISPA would like to extend its responsibility by providing manifest ideas to the scientific questions raised by the common public.
ISPA planned to publish a book on the novel and day to day applications of Spectrophysics based on the research outcome of ISPA research group, for a common man.
ISPA would like to deploy human resources in the development of society through science, by conducting various awareness programmes to protect nature.
ISPA has the vision to celebrate and commemorate the inventions and innovations of various scientists through science popularization activities.
ISPA encourages the inventions of new Biomaterials, Eco-friendly inventions towards the advancements by publishing a column about the invention on the title “Spell bound Inventions” in ISPA web.
Our Mission
"To excite young minds to emit their scientific thoughts"
Our Vision
"Bring out and scatter the philosophy involved in the science of nature to all and sundry "